Components of executive compensation packages

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131455379

1. Compensating Executives

Analyze the components of executive compensation packages to determine which three components are the most essential to attracting exceptional talent. Provide your rationale.

From the first e-Activity, use the Internet to research the debate concerning seeming excessive executive compensation.

Determine if current practices surrounding executive compensation should be changed. Provide either specific examples of what changes you believe are necessary, or a rationale for maintaining the status quo.

2. Compensating the Flexible Workforce

Create an argument either for or against the practice of using contingent or flexible workers.

From the second e-Activity, Use the Internet to research compensation practices for contingent workers at a company for which you would like to work ( Google)

Determine how the company you researched could best leverage a contingent and / or flexible workforce. Provide specific examples to support your response.

Reference no: EM131455379

Questions Cloud

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