Compare the difference between a male and female manager

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM131990460

Assignment 2: Effective Managers and Leaders-Gender and Cultural Diversity

In this assignment, you will examine men and women as managers and leaders. All of us have experienced either being managed by a man or a woman, some of us by both. Using the Argosy University online library, the Internet, and your personal experience, respond to the following questions:

• Analyze what you consider to be the four characteristics of an effective manager or leader in the workplace. Consider characteristics such as honesty, integrity, or people skills. Should managers and leaders perform the same task?

• Compare and contrast the difference between a male and female manager and/or leader.

• Using the four characteristics you chose, evaluate how one gender may possess the four characteristics to a greater or lesser degree. Based on this evaluation, does gender impact whether or not an individual is a good manager or leader? Explain why, and provide support for your conclusions.

• Using the four characteristics you chose, evaluate how culture might impact an individual's leadership abilities. Based on this evaluation, does culture impact whether or not an individual is a good manager or leader? Explain why, and provide support for your conclusions.

Write a 3-4-page paper in Word format (not counting title and references pages), citing examples using APA rules for attributing sources.

Reference no: EM131990460

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Compare the difference between a male and female manager : Compare and contrast the difference between a male and female manager and/or leader. Using the four characteristics you chose, evaluate how one gender.
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