Company internal network functioning

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132963285

Rubbles and Flintstone Incorporated is a large telecommunication company that provides video conferencing for clients around the world. You are the supervisor of the internal local area network section of the IT department. There are numerous opportunities for advancement within the company, for all but the highest ranking employees.

You are in charge of 16 employees, all of whom are technicians responsible for keeping the company's internal network functioning properly. There are employees with many levels of experience-from brand new employees just out of college, to employees with 10 years of experience within the company.

You have recently noticed that Diane, who has worked in your unit for six years, has been having difficulty finishing work in an appropriate amount of time. You had two meetings with her about this issue and have been unable to determine the problem because Diane has become defensive in both meetings. Her specific response is usually along the lines of, "I've worked here for a long time and never had any problems. Why are you harassing me now?"


1. You have decided that you must take some action in order to remedy this problem.

Give a detailed assessment of the best way to handle this situation with Diane.

Please support your response with citations from main theorists or literature review.

Reference no: EM132963285

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