Company depreciation and amortization expense

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM131515937

1. Trevi Corporation recently reported an EBITDA of $31,000 and $9,700 of net income. The company has $6,800 interest expense, and the corporate tax rate is 35 percent. What was the company's depreciation and amortization expense?

2. Working capital: Winston Electronics reported the following information at its annual meetings. The company had cash and marketable securities worth $1,236,760, accounts payables worth $4,159,640, inventory of $7,122,950, accounts receivables of $3,488,390, notes payable worth $1,152,180, and other current assets of $122,177. What is the company's net working capital? 

3. If Cleveland Motors Had an EBIT of $22,566,200, Interest of $7,455,000 and is taxed at an average rate of 32% what is their Net Income?

4. Using the information below -- what was Bala Industries' Cash Flow from Financing for the year ending 6/30/2011?

Increase in inventories                     $28

Purchased treasury stock                $25

Purchased property & equipment    $17

Net Income                                      $340

Decrease in accrued income taxes  $43

Depreciation & amortization             $117

Decrease in accounts payable         $10

Increase in accounts receivable       $26

Increase in Long-term debt             $106

5. Delta Ray Brands Corp. just completed their  latest fiscal year. The firm had sales of $17,416,700. Depreciation and  amortization was $826,700, interest expense for the year was $843,000, and  selling general and administrative expenses totaled $1,548,500 for the year,  and cost of goods sold was $9,908,600 for the year. Assuming a federal income  tax rate of 34%, what was the Delta Ray Brands net income after-tax?

Reference no: EM131515937

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