Classification of protists into multiple groups

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM132029649

What is the evidence that the classification of protists into multiple groups, instead of the formerly recognized kingdom Protista.

How can sex and reproduction be decoupled in Paramecium

Reference no: EM132029649

Questions Cloud

Develop a statement that encompasses an overall picture : HUMN 330 : Are your values based on family, health, achievements, wealth, job success, happiness, faith, love, or anything else that you hold in great esteem?
What is the post hoc result for facilities for the hospital : What is the post hoc result for facilities for the hospital with LCP vs. the hospital without LCP (see Table 2)? Is this result statistically significant?
What is the expected return on ford stock : The beta for Ford is 1.2. The risk-free rate is 2.6% and the return on the market is 6.6%. What is the expected return on Ford's stock?
Major classes of biological macromolecules : What is lactose tolerance and intolerance and how it involves three of the four major classes of biological macromolecules.
Classification of protists into multiple groups : What is the evidence that the classification of protists into multiple groups, instead of the formerly recognized kingdom Protista.
What role do antibodies play in immunity : What role do antibodies play in immunity? How are they produced? How do they work?
Diseases in the elderly population of the country : What do you think about the increase in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the elderly population of the country?
Hodgkin and non-hodgkin diseases : Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin diseases, considered malignant conditions of the lymphatic system, are characterized and differentiated by different aspects.
Treatment of a client diagnosed with myocardial infarction : As part of the treatment of a client diagnosed with myocardial infarction, medications such as stool softeners are administered.


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