Ceo of a large international corporation

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM132605564

Your consulting services have been requested by the CEO of a large international corporation. The CEO is concerned about ethical issues surrounding corporate governance from a global perspective. A common example may be where a corporate board of directors breached one or more duties, such as the duty of loyalty or care to its shareholders.

There are many other areas where business ethics are at the center of a case that originated at the governance level of an organization: Enron, WorldCom, Martha Stewart, to name a few.

The CEO asks you to conduct research and analyze a similar industry case involving ethical issues surrounding corporate governance from a global position. Briefly describe the facts of the case, the legal issue, and decision of the court. In addition, discuss the effect of the case from a global business perspective, and on society, in general and how the CEO's corporation could prevent such issues in the future.

Reference no: EM132605564

Questions Cloud

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