Calculate the return on assets

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM131522430

Question: The income statement for Stretch-Tape Corporation reports revenue of $420,000 and net income of $50,000. Average total assets for the year are $800,000. Stockholders' equity at the beginning of the year was $500,000, and $20,000 was paid to stockholders as dividends during the year. There were no other stockholders' equity transactions that occurred during the year.

Required: Calculate the return on assets, profit margin, asset turnover, and return on equity ratios.

Reference no: EM131522430

Questions Cloud

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Psychological factors that can affect sports performance : Write a paragraph that defines and describes the effect of at least two psychological factors that can affect sports performance.
Calculate the return on assets : The income statement for Stretch-Tape Corporation reports revenue of $420,000 and net income of $50,000. Average total assets for the year are $800,000.
Questions regarding the material covered in the module : Develop clear and concise written responses to questions regarding the material covered in the module. Responses will be shared with the class and evaluated.
Define discontinued operations and extraordinary items : As an auditor for Bernard and Thomas, you are responsible for determining the proper classification of income statement items in the audit of California Sports.
Develop leadership on her team next year : Would you suggest she choose whom she wants to be a captain, let the team pick, or simply let a natural leader emerge? Justify your answer.
What happens to roe for firm u and firm l : What happens to ROE for Firm U and Firm L if EBIT falls to $3,000? What does this imply about the impact of leverage on risk and return?


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