Build a high-level talent strategy

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM132820714

Question 1. Build a high-level talent strategy

a. Identify and analyze an organization and identify a key strategic differentiator.

b. Next, identify a critical role, skill, or ability where differentiations in performance levels create differences in the overall strategic capability.

c. Next, identify the current and future talent pools for this role, skill, or capability.

d. Finally, outline a plan for mitigating risks in the current or future talent pools.

ONLY REFERENCE AVAILABLE: Use any business in the United States as an example to answer all parts to questions 1.

TERM TO KEEP IN MIND: Strategic differentiator - is a strategy on how you can up and innovate your style on the product and services that other also have. It is simply means how will you compete to your competitors.

Reference no: EM132820714

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