Apply the theoretical concepts in real business situation

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131033772


Idea behind giving a project is to see if students are able to apply the theoretical concepts in real business situation .

(1) Each team picks an issue/can develop a case/observation that they believe is a challenging economic phenomenon.

(2) Each team meets regularly to bond, discuss, debate and finally come up with an economic interpretation/analysis of the issue it chose.

(3) A presentation of 8-10 slides

(4) report should be 10-12 pages (excluding charts, tables,references, front page ), means content in times new roman 12 font,1.5 line spacing, A4 size .

(5) Evaluation will be based on how rigorous, disciplined, and creative the analytical idea is from economics perspective.

Reference no: EM131033772

Questions Cloud

What is one of the policy recommendation the author presents : What is one of the policy recommendations the author presents in order to reform current practices regarding prisoner reentry? According to the author, why was parole abolished in many states? What was the effect of abolishing parole?
What is the cross-price elasticity of demand : What is the own price elasticity of demand when Px = $354? Is demand elastic or inelastic at this price? What would happen to the firm's revenue if it decided to charge a price above $354?
Impact of different types of standards on motivations : Describe the impact of different types of standards on motivations, and specifically, the likely effect on motivation of adopting the labor standard recommended for Geeta & Company by the engineering firm.
Explore and analyze the root of the given problem : Define/explain the issue and provide examples when necessary. Explore and analyze the root of the problem. Explore and describe a potential solution(s) to the problem
Apply the theoretical concepts in real business situation : Idea behind giving a project is to see if students are able to apply the theoretical concepts in real business situation .
Benefits of providing culturally competent care : The Board of the community health centre in your town has asked you to provide a report based on your annotations. Your task is to write a 2000 word research report which outlines the benefits of providing culturally competent care
Benefits of providing culturally competent care : The Board of the community health centre in your town has asked you to provide a report based on your annotations. Your task is to write a 2000 word research report which outlines the benefits of providing culturally competent care
Describe the problem you are discussing in your essay : Describe the problem you are discussing in your essay -- be detailed and specific. What are the various perceptions surrounding the existence of this problem? (Who, when, where, what, why, and how).
Community and describe their supply chain : Identify a service business in your community and describe their supply chain. What is the role of supply chain management in very small firms, such as family enterprises, independent restaurants, independent hardware stores, and appliance repair sho..


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