Analyze additional information needed

Assignment Help Marketing Management
Reference no: EM131549917


Resources: The Market Research Toolbox, Ch. 11, The Market Research Toolbox, Ch. 14, and 15-minute Oil Change Data Set

Scenario: An oil change company is looking for ways to increase customer flow and revenue for the business. The company leaders have hired you to the company's market research consultant.

Using raw data, determine two descriptive statistics regarding the oil change company that can be used to attract customers.

Write a 700-word paper in which you:

• Explain the descriptive statistics determined and their direct use in attracting customers.
• Analyze additional information needed to develop a better marketing strategy.
• Assess how you would collect this additional information.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Reference no: EM131549917

Questions Cloud

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What moral dielemmas does the case present : Summarizing the case article " Slavery in the chocolate industry "(64-67) what moral dielemmas does the case present?
Analyze additional information needed : Analyze additional information needed to develop a better marketing strategy. Assess how you would collect this additional information.
Create the database for the company : Create the Database for the Company - Display the Information in the Database - Update Records in the Database
Determine the optimum decision regions : The signal space for a seven-signal set transmitted over an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with equal prior probabilities is shown in Fig.
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Appraise the western nations economic sanctions : How would you appraise the western nations' economic sanctions on Russia? Was it successful? Why or why not? Ask for details.


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