Analyze a major problem facing juvenile justice system

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Reference no: EM131695864 , Length: 7

Analyze a major problem facing today's juvenile justice system and evaluate in way in which the juvenile justice system has or has not addressed the problem. Propose a solution to the issue that you have selected.

Some possible topics for this project include:

Parental liability for juvenile offenses

Your project must include:

An introduction to summarize and define your topic, including a clear statement of the problem or issue of concern

Summaries of current, relevant research from at least 6 credible sources .

Discussion of the implications of proposed solutions for juvenile justice system

Your evaluation and conclusions regarding possible methods of managing or addressing the problem. You are encouraged to add your own opinions; however, those opinions should be carefully considered, logical, and supported by evidence or outside rationale.

Module 3 Milestone:

You should secure approval from your instructor regarding your Portfolio Project option and topic.

Module 5 Milestone:

By the end of Week 5, submit a detailed outline of your Portfolio Project paper for review and feedback from your instructor. No points will be given for this interim assignment. However, failure to submit these parts of the Portfolio timely will result in a loss of points from the final Portfolio grade. Moreover, you will be expected to account for the instructor's feedback in your final version of the paper.

Paper Requirements:

6-7 pages in length, not including title and reference pages

Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements

Cite a minimum of six scholarly academic peer-reviewed journal articles, books, and textbooks to support your responses that are not provided in the course.

The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these scholarly sources.

Reference no: EM131695864

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