Advantages and disadvantages of using type of communication

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133112300

Formal communication channels follow the chain of command and are recognized as official. There are three types of formal communication, which include vertical communication, horizontal communication, and external communication. Select one of the three types of formal communication most common in your organization. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of communication. Also, discuss what type of formal communication you think would work best.

Identify four examples from your own experience in which you felt service quality was truly top-notch, and some in which it was not. Write a 2-3 page paper describing what you think might be some of the fundamental differences in infrastructure and management practices of these organizations.

Reference no: EM133112300

Questions Cloud

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Organizational structure-control and success : You will analyze the role of organizational structure and organizational control in their relationship to organizational success.
Discuss effects of charismatic leadership on followers : Discuss the effects of charismatic leadership on followers. Explain the benefits of embracing diversity with regards to being an effective leader.
Advantages and disadvantages of using type of communication : Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using this type of communication.
Collection of documented learning-observations-reflections : A learning journal is a collection of documented learning, observations, reflections, and experiences over a period.
Compare cultural and social intelligence : Evaluate the challenges and benefits of employing a diverse workforce. Compare cultural and social intelligence.
What technological factors affects competitive landscape : Think about Covid 19 and how the business world is changing, what technological factors affects the competitive landscape. What role does innovation play?
Levels of strategy and strategy implementation : Distinguish between different types and levels of strategy and strategy implementation. Is this strategic alliance successful? Justify.


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