About HIPAA and Patient Bill of Rights Act

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM132712338

Part I

You will write an essay about HIPAA and the Patient Bill of Rights Act. Your essay should address the information and questions presented below.

The creation of privacy and security laws has been a huge step toward more efficient healthcare and faster reimbursements. Visit the United States Health and Human Services website and research HIPAA Regulations & Standards as they apply to the medical records. Also, please see the information in your text.

Question: Explain how HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules benefit and support the integrity of the healthcare industry, patient, and physician.

The Patient Bill of Rights act was created with 3 goals in mind; to assist patients in being more comfortable with health care delivery systems, to develop partnerships with patients and health care providers, and to stress important roles that patients play in staying healthy. Please see the information in your text for additional information.

Question: Name 3 areas within the Patient Bill of Rights Act that you feel are important for health care providers/patients to abide by, and provide an explanation as to why you feel each area you selected is important.

Part II

Read each scenario and select the appropriate policy within the Patient Bill of Rights Act that applies to each scenario. For each scenario, describe in a paragraph why that specific policy in the Patient Bill of Rights Act is critical for demonstrating integrity within the medical assisting profession.


1. Donna Jackson's physician, Dr. Jones is retiring and is recommending that Donna continue services with Dr. Smith who also works in the same office. Donna is not comfortable with Dr. Smith and would like the option to select her own physician.

2. Keith Davidson is in need of emergency services because of a life threatening condition. Keith is currently uninsured and would like to make payment arrangements at a later time.

3. Jingle Smith has just been diagnosed with a chronic condition. She is interested in knowing all of her treatment options to combat this diagnosis. Jingle would also like for husband to be a part of the treatment process.

4. During Lisa Smith's visit with her primary care physician, he made derogatory and discriminating comments regarding her weight. Lisa is very uncomfortable with these remarks and wishes to file a complaint with administration.

5. Bianca White has just discovered that someone in her primary care physician office released her medical information without her consent. Bianca is not happy about this and wishes to file a complaint with the Office of General Inspector.

Policies within the Patient Bill of Rights Act

A. Confidentiality of Health Information Policy

B. Participation in Treatment Decisions Policy

C. Access to Emergency Services Policy

D. Choice of Providers and Plans Policy

E. Respect and Nondiscrimination Policy

Reference no: EM132712338

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