High- Level Language, Programming Language Assignment Help

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High Level Language

High-level language is machine independent language. These are the English like language. So it is easy to write and understand the programs of high-level language. The instruction written in a high-level language is called statements.


There are many languages which is as high-level language BASIC, PASCAL, FORTRAN, COBOL, ALGOL, PL/I, PROLOG, LISP, ADA, SNOBOL, C, C++, C#, etc.

Advantages of high-level language:

High-level language has the following advantages over assembly and machine language:

1. Machine Independent

2. Easy to learn and use

3. Few errors

4. Lower program preparation cost

5. Better Documentation

6. Easier to Maintain

Disadvantages of high-level language:

1. Lower Efficiency

2. Lack of Flexibility

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