ADPI Model Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Change Models - ADPI Model

ADPI Model:

This model consists of four stages below figure illustrate this.

847_ADPI Model.png

Figure: ADPI Model

1.   Organisational Analysis

This phase targets at developing an understanding about the organisation, its culture & readiness for change. Efforts are formed to know the structure, tasks, strategies, procedures, systems, and management practices, motivation, morale, and internal and external environment. Various research methods, interviews, brainstorming and workshops are used.

2.   Designing Change Intervention

At this stage, the vision or the desired state of the organisation is prepared.   Active included of top management and huge agreement on the interventions is necessary.

The key resource persons and other team members are identified and team building initiatives taken to ensure shared vision and commitment to change. The role of every member is clarified. A number of training sessions, workshops, meetings and presentations are commonly held at this stage.

3.   Planning for the Change

The goal of this stage is to plan for effecting the desired changes for achieving the vision. An action plan is prepared denoting the activities, time frame, responsibilities, counting huge measures and required resources.

4.   Implementation

This is the most crucial stage. The action plan has to be implemented and the persons included have to be convinced and educated about the gains. Extensive communication is needed and high orders of leadership skills especially persuading skills are needed. A number of presentations, meetings, workshops required to be held.

The success depends on the internal resource persons or facilitators who would work in tandem along with the change agent/consultant. It is hard to get successful implementation without Project Management skills.

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