Write an assembly program to simulate a microwave, Assembly Language

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1. The microwave has a clock (hh:mm:ss am/pm) and the user should be able to change the clock at any time.

2. For cooking the user should first enter the time. The user can enter the time by:

a) Pressing 1, 2, ..., 6 and that will set the time to 1, 2, ..., 6 minutes (Express)

• If the door is closed the microwave should start immediately.

• If the door is not closed after closing the door the user should press start in order for the microwave to start

b) Pressing the enter time button and then the user can enter the desired time in minutes and seconds (the user can enter up-to 20 minutes and 0 seconds). The user should then press the start button for the microwave to start if the door was closed

• If the user entered 5 that means the user entered 5 seconds

• If the user entered 5-7 that means the user entered 57 seconds

• If the user entered 5-7-8 that means the user entered 5 minutes and 78 seconds

3. The user can select the power level (Hi-Medium-Low)

• The microwave should start with a default power level

4. Cooking is simulated by the stepper motor

• The speed is determined by the power level selected

• The direction should change after:

o Pause then resume

o Door open and then closed and the microwave was started

o Stop and then start

5. The user can pause the microwave by pressing the Pause Button

6. The door has to be closed in order to be able to cook. If the microwave is cooking and the door was opened the microwave should pause. To resume the user has to close the door and then press the start button

7. The microwave has inside and outside lights:
• The inside lights should be turned on when the microwave is cooking or when the door is open or when the microwave is done cooking but the door wasn't opened
• The outside lights has 3 settings (Bright-Night-Off)

8. The microwave has a vent fan and the user can turn the vent fan (Hi-Medium-Low-Off)

9. The microwave has a temperature sensor for the room (kitchen). The temperature should be displayed all the time.

10. The Microwave has a speaker. The speaker should beep if:

a) Done cooking (Should beep 3 times every ten seconds until the door is opened)

b) Pause

11. No delay loops are allowed, you must utilize the Real Time Interrupt.

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