Waste management in other species, Biology

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Waste Management in other species

Solid and pellet nature of sheep and goat faecal matter make it easier to handle. This manure can easily be swept off the floors and diverted to farm field or to manure pits. Sheep can also be penned in fields so that their manure is dropped directly on the soil.

Pig's faecal matter is semisolid in nature but foul smelling. Thus, handling of manure is difficult in pig farms. Therefore, in many farms faecal matter is flushed with water directly in to the drainage. However, provision of 0.5 meter wide trench covered with slats or iron grills can make pig to learn to defecate there. Instead of a trench a narrow dung alley can also be provided. Even in loose houses pigs void faeces only in a remote corner of the open area far away from the covered lot. Manure collected can be either diverted either to fish pond directly as feed source or to biogas plant.

Horse voids dung in the form of aggregates of large globules. It contains maximum amount of un-digested fiber. Dung should be heaped in the corner of stable using shovels and lifted in the evening for composting.

Poultry excreta is relatively dry compared with the complete excreta of cattle and pigs. The waste on dropping boards or floor areas under caged birds, or litter-covered floors, can be mechanically or hard-scraped up for disposal. The excreta from caged birds may also be allowed to drop into pits. Poultry excreta without litter may also be collected from flooring by washing down with water to form slurry. In this case, a separate anaerobic lagoon is necessary.

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