Sparse matrix, Data Structure & Algorithms

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Q. Define a sparse matrix. Explain different types of sparse matrices? Show how a triangular array is stored in memory. Evaluate the method to calculate address of any element ajk of a matrix stored in memory.                                                                                                                             


Sparse Matrix

A m x n matrix A is said to be sparse if MOST of its elements are zero. A matrix that is not sparse is called dense matrix.

Types of Sparse matrix

1)            Diagonal Matrix

488_Diagonal matrix.png 

This is the square matrix where the non zero elements are only where row = col ie at


2)  Tridiagonal Matrix

897_tridiagonal matrix.png

In  this  square  matrix  all  elements  other  than  those  on  and  on  the  diagonals immediately above and below this one are zero.

Triangular Matrices

Tiangular Matrices is of 2 types:

a)  Lower triangular b)  Upper triangular

720_Diagonal matrix1.png

In an n*n lower triangular matrix A, row 1 has one non zero element, row 2 has 2,

....., and row n has n. whereas, in an n*n upper triangular matrix A, row 1 has n non zero elements, row 2 has n-1 ,.... , and row n has 1. In both the cases, the total number of non-zero elements is n(n+1)/2.

Both of these matrices can be represented using an one dimensional array la of size n(n+1)/2.

Consider lower triangular matrix L. the elements can be mapped by rows or by columns.

In a row-wise mapping, the element L[i,j], i>=j, is preceded by ∑k  for k=1 to i-1, elements that are in row 1 through i-1, and j-1 such elements from row i. the total number of elements that precede it in a row-wise mapping is

1620_Diagonal matrix2.png


This expression also gives the position l[i,j] in la.

Method  to  calculate  address  of  any  element  ajk   of  a  matrix     stored  in memory.

Let us consider 2 dimensional array a of size m*n further consider that the lower bound for the row index is lbr and for column index is lbc.

Like linear array, system keeps track of the first element only i.e. , the base address of the array.

Using this base address, the computer computes the address of the element in the ith row and jth column i.e. loc(a[i][j]), using the following formulae:

Column major order:-

Loc (a[i][j]) = base (a) + w [m (j - lbc) + ( i - lbr)] in general

Row major order:-

Loc (a[i][j]) = base (a) + w [n(i - lbr) + ( j - lbc)]            in general

where w is number of bytes per storage location for any one element of the array.

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