Operators and their expression in cpp, C/C++ Programming

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Operators in C++:

All C operators are valid operators in C++ also.  Besides C++ has developed some new operators like

Operators and their Expression:

1.      Logical operator

2.   Assignment operator: Variable must be declared before assigning. Chain Assignment Ex: x=y=z;

Embedded Assignment Ex: x=(y=10)+10;

Compound or Shorthand Assignment: x = x+y is x +=y; Dynamic initialization Ex: int x=strlen("apple");

Static initialization Ex int x=100;

3.   Reference variable: Ex: int &x=y; x is alias of y.

4.   Relation operator

5. Arithmetic operator

6 Increment and Decrement operator

7 Special operator.

8 Conditional operator.

9 Bitwise operator.

10. Type cast operator: Ex: x =float(a)/float(b).

11. Scope Resolution operator: Ex: :: to access from global variable and class.

12. Insertion and Extraction operator: << and >>.

13. Class Member dereferencing operator:

1 :: To declare pointer to a member in class.

2 ->*  To access pointer member when both class and member have pointers

3 .*     To access pointer member when only member has pointer.

14. Memory  Management  Operator:  new  and  delete.   The  variable  must  be  pointer

variable. In malloc, calloc, realloc, free are used. int *ptr;  ptr = new int;

ptr = new int(25); assigning value delete ptr;  release the memory of ptr.


int *ptr; ptr = new int[10];

delete []ptr; release the memory or array pointer.


15. Manipulator Ex: endl work like \n and setw(10) set width for the variable cout<<setw(10)<<x<<endl<<setw(10)<<y.

16. Implicit Expression: Conversion is implied from lower to higher order of primary

data type.

17. Operator overloading: Ex: << and >>

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