Notation in classification - library management, Other Management

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It is well known that subjects should be arranged in a helpful filiatory sequence on the basis of a scheme of successive characteristics. Further, there is a need to mechanise the arrangement, To "mechanise". means to eliminate the need to remember or consider the exact connotation or denotation of the classes in their mutual relation. These two aids make the, following additional concepts necessary: 1) Terminology;, and 2) Notation. The importance of terminology has already been highlighted in Sec-1-1., As regards mechanising an arrangement of subjects in a preferred sequence, one possibility is alphabetical arrangement. But, alphabetical arrangement, of subjects by their names, as 4 means of mechanising their arrangement must, be ruled, out: 

  • as the sequence it gives is not helpful 
  • as the names of subjects are not stable  
  • as the names of subjects are not unique 
  • as the alphabetical position of a subject would vary with the language from which the name is taken 
  • as the subjects denoted by a term are not unique. 

Hence, there is a need for a notational system for mechanising the arrangement of subjects in the preferred helpful sequence. The core/basic concepts in the context of a notational system are discussed below. For definitions, refer to chapter C J of CC 7th ed. 

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