Linux os, Operating System

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Introduction of linux

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Deadlocks can be detected while the program is running, by running cycle detection algorithms on the graph that de?nes the current use of resources. De?ne this graph as follows:

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Describe the differences among short-term, medium-term, and long-term scheduling.   Short-term (CPU scheduler)-selects from jobs in memory those jobs that are ready to execu

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Q. Definition of Operating System? Definition of Operating System: • An Operating system is a program which controls execution of application programs and acts as an interfa

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Direct communication With direct communication each process that requires to communicate must explicitly name the recipient or sender of the communication. The send and receive

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Let us consider the pining details of the 68HC11 as shown below.     Each pin has a defined function, some easy, some complex. A microprocessor designer should understan

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