Isothermal compression, Mechanical Engineering

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The critical Temperature of a gas is the highest temperature for which isothermal compression of the gas results in ?

Will an adiabatic ?ash result in more, the same, or less vapor than an isothermal ?ash (all starting at the same temperature)?  Why?

What is an activity coef?cient?  A fugacity coef?cient?   Which tends to be more "important" and why?

Sketch a constant Pressure vapor-liquid equilibrium plot for components #1 (more volatile) and component #2 (less volatile). Identify  and label on the sketch the:

2451_Isothermal compression.png

  • Ordinate - what you are plotting
  • Abscissa - what you are plotting
  • Liquid region
  • Vapor region
  • Two phase region
  • Boiling point of pure #1
  • Boiling point of pure #2
  • Bubble point curve
  • Dew point curve
  • The liquid in equilibrium with a vapor composed of 30% component #1

You are watching TV late at night and see an ad for the ACME Model #163 refrigeration and heating unit for only $99.99. The unit takes compressed air at 1.25 atm pressure and 75°F and produces two streams at atmospheric pressure, a refrigeration stream at -15°F and one at 90°F with no work or energy put into the system!   Is this possible?   Why or why not?  Prove your answer.

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