Image enhancement, Electrical Engineering

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Explain briefly the operation, draw the functions, formulas and observations.

(i) Write an m-file "imnorm.m" which takes an image finds min and max values and uses them to normalize the image.

What kind of image enhancement operation is performed within that function? Draw an illustration.

Write an m-file for each of the following operations:
(ii) compute negative image (neg.m)

(iii) apply power law transform with a superscript 0.2 (powlaw.m)

(iv) perform histogram equalization of an image (hist_eq.m)
           it should display 5 figures:
                        the input image and its histogram
                        the integral histogram
                        the output image and its histogram
            the following function will give you a histogram of pixel values between 0 and 255
            h=sum(hist(im,[0:255])'); %help hist; help sum;

function imh=hist_eq(im);


% compute integral image
for i=2:256           

hint=255*hint/hint(end); %normalize the integral histogram to have values between 0 and 255

imh=hint(im);%modify pixel intensities
imh=uint8(imh);%normalize to byte values


What histogram equalization does? What should be the shape of the output histogram? Why it isn't?

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