Functions of golgi body, Biology

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(1)      Cell secretion - Golgi body is concerned with secretion (export) of macromolecules. Secretion involves three steps:-

(a) Golgi body receives the materials to be secreted from E.R. through it's cis - face. E.R. supplies protiens and lipids to the golgi body.

(b) Materials recieved from E.R. are chemically modified by golgi body. For e.g. glycosidation of proteins and lipids takes place in golgi body and it yields glycoprotiens and glycolipids.

(c) After chemical modifications material are packed in vesicles. Vesicles are pinched off frem trans - face of golgi body and discharged outside the cell (Reverse pinocytosis)btc ~. All the macromolecules which are to be sent outside the cell, move through the golgi body.

So golgi body is also termed as "Principal director of macromolecules".

(2)      Formation of Lysosome - It is collective function of golgi body and E.R.

(3)      Synthesis of cell wall material (Polysaccharide synthesis)

(4)      Cell plate formation - Cell plate is form during cytokinesis of plant cell. Cell plate is found by vesicles of golgi body, fragments of E.R. and fragments of spindle fibres (phragmoplast)

(5)      Formation of middle lamella - Vesicles of golgi body secrete the Ca++  and Mg++  pectates that forms middle lamella between two plant cells.

(6)      Formation of acrosome during spermiogenesis

(7)      Formation of Vitelline membrane - Vesicles of golgi body form vitelline membrane (egg membrane) over ovum.

(8)      Formation for Cortical granules - These are occur in peripheral cytoplasm of egg are actually the modifications of golgi body. These granules form fertilization membrane during fertilization. Fertilization membrane prevents polyspermy. Entry of more than one sperms in single ovum is called polyspermy.

(9)      Recycling and reprocessing of membrane fragments which reach the cytoplasm by endocytosis.

(10)     Golgi body associated with GERL system.

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