Define pvm library functions, Computer Engineering

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Q. Define pvm library functions?

  • int info = pvm_freebuf( int bufid )

organizes of a message buffer. bufid message buffer identifier. 

  • int pvm_getsbuf( void )

returns the active send buffer identifier.

  • int pvm_getrbuf( void )

returns the active receive buffer identifier. 

  • int pvm_setsbuf( int bufid )

Sets active send buffer to bufid, saves state of previous buffer and returns previous active buffer identifier.

  • int pvm_setrbuf( int bufid )

sets active receive buffer to bufid, saves state of previous buffer and returns previous active buffer identifier.

  • intpvm_initsend( int encoding )

Clear default sends buffer and specifies the message encoding. Encoding specifies the next message's encoding scheme.  

  • int pvm_send( int tid, int msgtag )

Immediately transmits the data in active message buffer. tid Integer task identifier of destination process. msgtag Integer message tag supplied by user. msgtag must be nonnegative. 

  • int pvm_recv( int tid, int msgtag )

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