Cardiac branches and cardiac plexuses, Biology

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The vagus gives of one superior cervical cardiac branch and an inferior cervical cardiac branch in the neck. These branches descend into the thorax and take part in performing the cardiac plexuses described below. Additional cardiac branches arise in the superior mediastinum and also from the recurrent laryngeal branches. The superficial cardiac plexus is located just below the arch of the aorta, close to the ligamentum arteriosum. It is formed by the inferior cervical branch of the left vagus nerve and the superior cervical branch of the left sympathetic trunk. The deep cardiac plexus is situated in front of the bifurcation of the trachea. It receives several branches from the right and left vagus nerves. They are right superior and inferior cervical cardiac branches, left superior cervical cardiac branch, branches from the right and left vagi arising in the thorax and branches from the right and left recurrent laryngeal nerves. The plexus also receives numerous cardiac branches from the right and left sympathetic trunks. Branches from the superficial and deep cardiac plexuses supply the heart.

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