Ala rules - british museum cataloguing rules, Other Management

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ALA Rules :

American Library Association. ALA Catalog Rules: Author and Title Entries. - Prel 2nd ed. - Chicago: American Library Association, 1941. 

Within two decades of implementation of the joint code of 1908, libraries in America as well as in England began voicing dissatisfaction. In America, libraries which received the LC printed cards (introduced in 1901) revised their existing catalogues to conform to the LC practice. Large research libraries found it difficult to apply the 1908 code to new classes of materials acquired by them because of lack of rules covering such items. So, to respond to the demands of the libraries further revision or recodification of rules had to be taken up. The rules were organised in two parts, viz., entry and heading, and description. 

The code followed the existing practices than prescribing the idel and the right. The attempt to render all the bibliographic variations into something like a statute law was stated as the principal fault of this draft code. The professional opposition to the size and the complexity of the code first manifested in the area of descriptive cataloguing and next, of course, in the rules for author and title entries. Further improvement (revision work) on part 2 (description) was therefore deferred or given up.  

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