Write the code required to analyse and display the data

Assignment Help MATLAB Programming
Reference no: EM132136397

Assignment: MatLab Programming

Using appropriate MatLab syntax, write the code required to analyse and display the data as per the problem description.

The order of the MatLab Program should be as follows:

Variables and constants:

- Use arrays to store the data, maps and counts
- Describe the data requirements, variables etc

Read data:

- Download data.csv from the unit website

- Read each individual data item from the file using an appropriate method into a two dimensional array


Describe the process to store the value for each row and column for an unknown number of rows and columns

Describe the process to determine and display any values that are outside the constraints

Describe the process to adjust any values that are outside the constraints to the designated min and max values

Describe the process to roundup and display the data to 4 decimal places

Describe the process to calculate and display the average for each station

Describe the process to determine and display if any station month is within the designated tolerance

Describe the process to select and display the best month the station should be serviced

Describe the process to calculate and display the counts as per the specifications

Additional notes:
- Ensure you use appropriate and efficient use of variables and constants in your design.

I may wish to change the tolerance to see how this changes the outcome, as a consectience I should only change this in one variable to reflect the change throughout the spreadsheet.

Attachment:- ass3.rar

Reference no: EM132136397

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