Write down the strategies of the two players

Assignment Help Game Theory
Reference no: EM13958051

Exercise 1-

Problem I. Find all (pure and mixed) Nash equilibria of of the following game

          L      R

T        5,2    0,0

B        3,0    3,2

Problem 2. For the extensive form game Mow, answer the following questions:


a. How many twbgames are then: in this game (excluding the game itself)?

b. Write down the strategies of the two players.

c. Find all pure strategy subgame perfect Nash equilania.

d. Write down the normal-form ("matrix-form") of the game and find all pure strategy Nash equilibria.


Problem 3. Consider the finitely repeated game where the stage game shown below is played T < ∞ times and payoffs are the sum of payoffs fmm each stage (no discounting).

      L          R

T    11,-1    0,0

B    5, 5      -2,6

a. Suppose T = 2. Does there exist a subgame perfect Nash equalibrium such that (BI.) is played in the first stage?

b. Does it change your answer to the question above if we let T > 2?

Reference no: EM13958051

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