Widgecorp became the market leader in snack foods

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1329618

WidgeCorp became the market leader in snack foods after acquiring a rival company, Company W. Their management style and business decision-making differed. Employees at WidgeCorp collected relevant data and through statistical analysis used this information to draw conclusions and make appropriate recommendations. Company W tended to rely on the experience and judgment of its managers. For the time being, both companies are being managed separately, but within the next twelve months they will merge all management, processes, and accounting. You work for Company W and are a little nervous about this new way of working, but realize that you need to be able to present issues and recommendations with statistical verification to the WidgeCorp executives. You will also introduce and employ statistical analysis to the senior management of Company W's various departments such as Marketing, Sales, and Production. Part of your job will be to educate Company W as well.

The marketing department likes to know patterns about the consumers who call the 1-800 phone bank with questions/problems.

You meet with them to discuss the matter. Suggest at least 3 quantitative objects that you should keep track about each caller and/or their behavior with respect to the snack food category and indicate if each variable is continuous or discrete.

Reference no: EM1329618

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