What will the permissions string contain

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM13754689

The developer, phavard, is a member of the "dev" group.  All members of the "dev" group, including phavard, have all permissions on the "/export/home/phavard/project38" folder so that they can all work on the files for the project.  phavard owns the project38 folder and the iapp_v_8 file contained in the folder.   phavard has given "user" read/write/execute and "group" read/execute permissions on iapp_v_8.  All "Others" have read privileges on project38 and no privileges on the files it contains.

a. If you execute ls -ld on the project38" directory, what will the permissions string contain?

b. If you execute ls -l on the iapp_v_8 file contained in project38 , what will the permissions string contain?

phavard has created a phone list that is located in the project38 folder and she would like everyone to be able to edit the phone list. The name of the file everyone needs to edit is:


c. Given the permissions described above, are "others" able to see phone_list.txt by listing the contents of project38.

d. What permissions will phavard have to grant to others on the project38 directory in order to allow others to edit phone_list.txt.

e. Provide the code to grant the required  permissions for "d".

f. What are the minimum permissions phavard will have to grant to "dev" and "others" on the phone_list.txt file in order to allow them to edit phone_list.txt.

g. Provide the code to grant the required  permissions for "f"

Given the following information from a session log:

bash>ls  -ld  /export/home

drwx  r- x r- x   1  phavard           dev        512         Feb  9 12:12        phavard
drwx  r- x r- x   1  bjones              dev        512         Feb  9 12:13        bjones
drwx  r- x r- x   1  lao                      dev        512         Feb  9 12:13        lao

bash>ls  -l  ../export/home/phavard

drwx r- x r- x    1  phavard           dev        512         Feb 3 12:13         project38

bash>ls   -l  /export/home/phavard/project38

- rw - r- -  r - -    3 phavard       admin   5             Feb  9 12:29        iapp_v_8

h. Draw the file system described by the commands above. Include the location of iapp_v_8.  Show the permissions strings for each directory and iapp_v_8.

i. Can bjones edit the file iaap_v_8?

j. Is bjones "user", "group", or "other" with respect iapp_v_8?

k. Can members of the group "admin" update the file iapp_v_8?

l. Is bjones "user", "group", or "other" with respect to project38?

m. If necessary, how would phavard grant permissions on iapp_v_8 to bjones that would allow bjones to edit the file? Show the command

n. Assume bjones logs in and is in his home directory.  Show two commands that would change bjones's working directory from /export/home/bjones to /export/home/phavard/project38

o. Provide the command that phavard would use to grant bjones the ability to add files to /export/home/phavard/project38.

p. Assume project 38 has reached a milestone. The permissions on the directory and it's files must be changed so that no changes can be made to the contents of the directory or to any of its files. 
What command is needed to change the directory permissions to the appropriate permissions?  Show the command.

q. What command is needed to change the permission on files in project38 so that the files cannot be altered?  Show the command.

Reference no: EM13754689

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