Implement a lexical and syntax analyzer

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM131384944

Programming Assignment:

Implement a lexical and syntax analyzer based on the following grammar. Your analyzer should read an input test program from a file and then determine if it contains a syntax error. It does not have to show where the syntax error occurs or what kind of error it is.

<program>  →  begin <statement_list> end

<statement_list> → <statement> {;<statement_list>}

<statement>  → <assignment_statement> | <loop_statement>

<assignment_statement> → <variable> = <expression>

<variable> → identifier  (An identifier is a string that begins with a letter followed by 0 or more letters and/or digits)

<expression> → <variable> { (+|-) <variable>}          

<loop_statement> →  loop (<logic_expression>)  <statement>

<logic_expression> → <variable> (< | >) <variable> (Assume that logic expressions have only less than or greater than operators)

Use the examples below to test your analyzer.

Input program with no syntax errors:


total = var1 + var2;

loop (var1 < var2)

loop (var3 > var4)

var 2 = var2 - var 1


Input programs containing syntax errors:

total = var1 + var2;

loop (var1 < var2)

loop (var3 > var4)

var 2 = var2 - var 1


The keyword begin is missing


total = var1 + var2;

loop (var1 < var2)

loop (var3 > var4)

var 2 = var2 - var 1


The last statement shouldn't end with a semicolon.


total = var1 + var2;

loop (var1 < var2)

var 2 = var2 - var1


The keywords loops is misspelled.

Verified Expert

The solution file is created in netbeans and implemented lexical and syntax analyzer for the given expression. The solution file contains 3 programs, and (main program). The screen shot of the program is attached.

Reference no: EM131384944

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2/14/2017 5:07:54 AM

there is everything right in the assignment i requested that utilization the contingent administrator as opposed to utilizing the Decision structures. I adored the expert and would need for my future task. Thanks team.


2/7/2017 2:44:00 AM

I have a programming assignment to do. You should use java coding for the assignment. Implement a lexical and syntax analyzer based on the following grammar. Your analyzer should read an input test program from a file and then determine if it contains a syntax error. It does not have to show where the syntax error occurs or what kind of error it is.

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