Queues Assignment Help

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Queues are first in first out type of Data structure (i.e....FIFO).In a queue new elements are added to the queue from one end called REAR  end and the elements are always removed from other to end called the FRONT end. The people standing in a railway reservation row are an example of queue. Each new person comes and stands at the end of row (rear end of queue), and persons getting their reservations confirmed, get out of the from the front end.

Queues can also be implemented in two ways:-



                  A queue is logically a First in first out (FIFO) type of list. In our everyday life we come across many situations where we ought to wait for the desired service, there we have to get into a waiting line for our turn to get serviced. This waiting queue can be thought of as a queue. Queue means a line.

                  For example at the railway reservation booth we have to get into the reservation queue. Note the important feature of the queue- new customers got into the queue from the rear end where the customers who get their seats reserved leave the queue from the front end. It means the customers are serviced in the order in which they arrive the service center (i.e., first come first serve (FCFS) type of service). The same characteristics apply to our Queue.

                  Thus a queue is a non-primitive linear data structure. It is an homogeneous collection of elements in which new elements are added at one end called the Rear end and the existing elements are deleted from other end called the Front end.

                  Suppose that at a service center, t1 units of time is needed to provide a service to a single customer and on an average a new customer arrives at service center in t2 units of time. Then there are following possibilities that may arise.

1.      If t1 < t2 then the service counter will be free for some time before a new customer arrives at the service counter. Hence there will be no customer standing at a particular time in the queue or the queue will be empty.

2.      If t1 < t2 then the service counter will be busy for some time even after the arrival of a new customer. Therefore the new customers have to wait for some time. This procedure when continues for some time gives rise to queue.

3.      If t1 < t2 then as one customer leaves the counter other will arrive at the same instant hence queue will be single element long.

The following figures show queue graphically during insertion operation:

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