Genetic information is nucleic acid not protein Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> DNA–the primary informational macromolecule - Genetic information is nucleic acid not protein

Genetic information is nucleic acid not protein

Another microbiological experiment was used to determine if DNA alone could be responsible for the persistence of genetic information in a daughter cell. The experiment supposed that labeled DNA would be detectable in all progeny of a cell, and conversely that labeled protein would also persist, if either were the primary informational macromolecule. This sounds simple in theory, but practically bacteriophageswere the only way to manufacture a genetic entity with either DNA labeling only or protein labeling only. Hershey and Chase 32P-radiolabeled T2 bacteriophage DNA, and then allowed the self-assembly of virions with unlabeled protein. Concurrently they 35S-radiolabeled T2 bacteriophage coat protein, and made virions with unlabeled DNA.

By interrupting the infection of E. coli by T2, by using a blender, they were able to separate the heads from the cells through centrifugation. In this way they demonstrated that the DNA entered the cell and caused a change but not the T2 protein, conclusively demonstrating that DNA carries genetic information.

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