Advanced Part Programming Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Computer Numerical Control - Advanced Part Programming

Introduction of Advanced Part Programming

In previous units, basics of manual CNC part programming methods were discussed. For complex shapes, the manual programming methods become difficult to use and generally computer aided programming methods are applied in such cases. In this unit, we will discuss the computer aided part programming methods.

Objectives of Advanced Part Programming

After studying this unit, you should be able to

1. Understand the need for computer aided part programming systems,

2. Understand the concept of processor and postprocessor as used in computer aided part programming methods,

3. Write programs in APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) using the geometry, motion and postprocessor statements as required, and

4. Write programs using Master cam for complex part shapes.

APT Language Structure Concept of Computer Aided Part Programming
Geometry Commands Mastercam
Motion Commands
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