Parasitic relationships Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> chromalveolata and Amoebozoa-Detrimental effects - Parasitic relationships

Parasitic relationships

Parasitism of other organisms by excavates and chromalveolates is a very common nutri- tional strategy. Hosts can range from other members of the eukaryotic microorganisms, including aquatic and higher plants, to many species of multicellular animals. The lowest level of specialization is seen in those that inhabit the intestines of animals as commensals. They gain entry via food or water and exit via the feces. Many species live on gut prokaryotes. They are transient visitors, able to encyst before they are shed to insure that they survive adverse conditions outside the host. Many of these species have a fermentative metabolism to enable them to survive the low oxygen levels of the gut. A more specialized group attaches itself to the host gut wall to remain within the gut for longer periods. They again gain their nutrition from the passing gut contents and prokaryotes. These may cause some irritation to the gut epithelium.

The third group derives their nutrition from the gut epithelium and cause considerable damage in doing so. They have a number of pathogenicity factors including toxins and proteolytic enzymes called proteolysins. A more specialized form of parasitism is found in species that infect orally but then migrate into other tissues for part of their life cycle.

Parasites that have a life cycle that includes a blood-borne phase are highly specialized. They require vectors to reach their chosen niche, usually the blood-sucking insects. Part of the life cycle is completed in the vector. Trypanosomes and the malarial parasites are two of the most significant human protistan parasites. During the blood-borne phase of disease, parasite metabolism can be anaerobic and mitochondrial metabolism is switched off.

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