Angles Assignment Help

Assignment Help: >> Basic Concepts of Geometry - Angles


An angle is the union of two nonparallel rays originating from the same point; this point is called as the vertex.  The rays are called as sides of the angle, as display in Figure.


Figure: Angle

If ray AB is on top of ray BC, then the angle ABC is a zero angle.  A single complete revolution of a ray gives an angle of 360°.


Figure:- 360o Angle

Depending on the rotation of a ray, an angle can be categorized as right, acute, straight, obtuse, or reflex.  These angles are described as follows:

Right Angle - angle with a ray separated through 90°.


Figure: Right Angle

Straight Angle - angle with a ray separated through 180° to form a straight line.


Figure: Straight Angle

Acute Angle - angle along with a ray separated by less than 90°.


Figure: Acute Angle

Obtuse Angle - angle along with a ray rotated greater than 90° but less than 180°.


Figure: Obtuse Angle

Reflex Angle - angle within a ray rotated greater than 180°.


Figure: Reflex Angle

If angles are next for each other, they are known as adjacent angles.  If the sum of two angles equals 90°, they are called complimentary angles.  For example, 27° and 63° are complimentary angles. If the sum of two angles equals 180°, they are called supplementary angles.  For example, 73° and 107° are supplementary angles.

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