What is a recursive function, C/C++ Programming

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Question 1 Write a program in ‘C' to check whether a given number is even or odd

Question 2 Explain while and do... while loop with an example

Question 3 Write a program using pointers to generate Fibonacci series up to 10 elements and store them within an array

Question 4 What is a recursive function? Explain with an example

Question 5 Write a program that accepts a long piece of string and returns the count of the number of words in the string

Question 6 Explain the following : objects, class

Question 7 What is inheritance? Explain multilevel inheritance

Question 8 What is operator overloading? Explain overloading the unary operator ++ with an example

Question 9 Write a program in c to print table of any number

Question 10 Program to find the factorial of a number using recursion

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