Urban workers experienced growing wealth in the 1920, History

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As urban workers experienced growing wealth in the 1920s, farmers

saw their incomes decline and debt grow.
saw their incomes grow faster than those of industrial workers.
began to charge significantly higher prices for their crops.
began to unionize in hopes of earning higher wages.

U.S. leaders in the 1920s hoped to keep the rest of the world
at war to maintain high demand for U.S. products.
from ratifying the Kellogg-Briand Pact.
from collecting America's unpaid war debts.
at arm's length in order to avoid another war.

Modernists stressed science and secular ideas rather than

the value of education.
religious beliefs.
technological progress.
scientific theories.

The significant changes in the manners, morals, and mindset of many women in the 1920s came to be symbolized by the

Teapot Dome scandal.
Model T.

The Harlem Renaissance was an important cultural outpouring in which African American writers

downplayed race and focused on inventive language.
explored the pains and joys of being black in America.
created the first truly American form of literature.
denounced jazz as an un-American form of music.

One of the main reasons for the 1929 stock market crash was that
stock prices had been too tightly controlled by the government.
too few people had been investing in the stock market.
investors had not been allowed to borrow money to pay for stocks.
stock prices had risen too high because of speculation.

The Great Depression forced many Americans to live in shantytowns known as

tenant farms.

At first, what did President Hoover rely on to relieve the Depression?
federal money and government grants
laws forbidding businesses to fire workers
volunteerism and localism
mandatory unionization in all factories

The Bonus Army was a group of World War I veterans who were violently disbanded after they came to Washington, D.C. to

seek early payment of the money promised to them by Congress.
demand higher pay for all workers who were veterans.
start a soup kitchen for jobless veterans during the Depression.
march in support of President Hoover's re-election.

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
was established to regulate the stock market.
was created despite strong objections from President Roosevelt.
insured bank deposits up to $2,500.
ensured that Social Security payments would be made on time.

Which policy would John Maynard Keynes consider pump priming?

regulating the stock market to restrict speculation
raising taxes on the poor to discourage immigration
setting up tariffs to protect U.S. firms from foreign competition
funding public works projects to put unemployed people to work

How did the New Deal affect the voting patterns of African Americans?

A majority began to support Louisiana's Huey Long.
Many shifted their votes from Republicans to Democrats.
Most continued to vote Republican, the party of Abraham Lincoln.
The New Deal had no effect on African American voting patterns.


Which of these factors helped hide economic problems in the 1920s?

Investors lost confidence in the market.
Farmers sold crop surpluses to pay off their debts.
Americans purchased many consumer goods on credit.
Wages increased at the same pace as worker productivity.

Farmers contributed to the problems that led to the Dust Bowl by

putting down new layers of topsoil.
moving off of the plains to find new farmland.

damming western rivers and using irrigation techniques.
using intensive farming practices that removed protective grasses.


The Agricultural Adjustment Act helped farmers because it

sought to end overproduction and raise crop prices.
attracted industry with the promise of cheap power.
created jobs for over two million U.S. citizens.

regulated the stock market and made investments safer.

The Teapot Dome oil scandal involved which two officials?

Albert Fall and Harry Dougherty
Edwin Denby and Albert Fall
Charles Forbes and Harry Dougherty

Charles Forbes and Albert Fall

As President, Warren G. Harding

strengthened the regulations on businesses put into place by the Progressives.
abolished all regulations on businesses.
reduced the regulations on businesses put into place by the Progressives.

took no action on economic matters.


Why was formal education more important for urban Americans than rural Americans?

Urban children needed a safe place to stay while their parents worked.
Urban Americans needed an education to work in factories.
Most higher-paying jobs in the cities required a formal education.

A better education provided more opportunities to obtain inexpensive housing.

Most Americans who opposed the Ku Klux Klan embraced what notion?

that the races should remain separate
that America was a "melting pot"
that immigrants should be deported
that David Stephenson should be elected president

How did the consumer economy of the 1920s affect the lives of women?
It made life easier for rural women.
It made life easier for working women.
It made it harder for women to be housewives.
It made life easier for urban women.

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