Types of diseases caused by drugs, Other Subject

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SOLVE is an interactive educational programme designed by the ILO to assist in the development of policy and action to address psychosocial hazards or problems at workplaces. The concept focuses on various psychosocial problems which can occur individually or most often together in a negative spiral, leading to injuries, accidents at times fatal and various types of diseases. These problems have considerable impact on the health and psychology of workers impacting negatively on their wellbeing and that of their family.

The SOLVE programme aims at breaking the negative spiral through a prevention oriented approach. SOLVE helps to address the problems related to psychosocial issues by raising awareness and educating the working community about the specific psychosocial problems and the ways in which they compromise their health, well being and motivation and may lead to higher absenteeism and lower productivity.


(a) Name the five psychosocial hazards of the ILO SOLVE programme

(b) SOLVE is an acronym and each letter of the word stands for a specific psychosocial issue. What do the two letters S and O stand for?

(c) Describe the interrelationships between the five psychosocial issues

(d) What are the four factors which can influence psychosocial issues?

(e) Name five other psychosocial hazards you studied

(f) State four negative effects of alcohol and drugs on the worker.

(g) State five types of systemic diseases caused by alcohol on the worker.

(h) Name five types of diseases caused by drugs

(i) What is the impact of alcohol and drugs on the productivity of the worker?

Related Discussions:- Types of diseases caused by drugs

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