Supervisory practices and their influence on teachers, Dissertation

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Dissertation Writing Help - The school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices and their influence on teachers' transfer-of-learning

I want a Custom Dissertation Writing Service on "The school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices and their influence on teachers' transfer-of-learning"

The purpose of this study was to examine the impact of school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices on teachers' transfer-of-learning in Korean schools. Previous research had found that leadership attitude (supervisory support or sanction) was the most influential factor in facilitating or hindering trainees' transfer of learning to their workplace. To address this research inquiry, a survey was mailed to 300 teachers who had participated in the training programs offered by the Office of Education in Korea, and 238 teachers responded to the survey.

The study found that school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices were influential in teachers' transfer-of-learning in Korean schools. The hypotheses testing demonstrated that there is a positive relationship between school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices before training and teachers' transfer-of-learning behaviors during and after training; a positive relationship between school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices during training and teachers' transfer-of-learning behaviors during and after training; and a positive relationship between school administrators' transfer-enhancing supervisory practices after training and teachers' transfer-of-learning behaviors after training.

Thus, it is suggested that school administrators be encouraged to work closely with teacher trainees building partnerships between school administrators and teacher trainees for transfer-of-learning; establishing a pattern for training related communication and interaction between school administrators and teacher trainees; and collaboratively developing systematic support systems that are appropriate and fit for their school organizations for the sake of higher level of transfer-of-learning.

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