Structure of human spermatozoon, Biology

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Structure of human spermatozoon:
  • Nature: Human sperms are minute, microscopic and motile.
  • Structure: Each sperm have an oval shaped head piece, a neck, a middle piece and a long tail.
  • Head piece : An oval head piece consists of a large haploid nucleus. In addition to this, a sac like structure called acrosome is present in the head piece which helps in fertilization.
  • Neck: The neck is short and connects the head with the middle piece.
  • Middle piece: It lies between head and tail middle piece is large and tubular and has several mitochondria, which produce energy required for movements of sperms.
  • Tail piece: Tail piece is long and helps in swimming of sperms to reach ovum during fertilization.
  • Life span - Sperms live for a period of 24 to 72 hours.

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