Security threats on internet, Basic Computer Science

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Security threats on internet:

 The Internet has many advantages; however, it also opens up security threat. In this section we just want to highlight some of the threats that you may face because of being an Internet users. When you use internet you are faced with three basic threat situations:

  • Confidentiality: No unauthorized person should be able to read or copy information that s/he is not supposed to read. 
  • Integrity:  No unauthorized person should be able to modify information. 
  • Availability: No unauthorized person should be able to erase information or make it inaccessible. 

The other threats posed on the Internet are due to Computer Viruses and identity information thefts. 

To make sure the above security situations the following methods may be followed by you:  

Authentication and authorization mostly using username and password are used by most Internet security systems. Therefore, your username and password are very important and should be such that they cannot be broken easily. In addition, you must give the username and password only on a HTTP Secure website. 

You can protect your computer against Computer Viruses and Malware (identity theft programs) through use of antivirus software, which quarantines or removes malicious software programs. So use good antivirus software on your machine that scans email and IM attachments. Maintain a backup of your critical data and programs. Keep deleting cookies from your computer from time to time. You can use firewalls to block websites having unwanted contents.  The recent threat includes, a rise in threats to confidential information, exploitation of emerging Web browser vulnerabilities, and predictions for future attacks associated with blogs and social networking sites. So keep your browser up-to-date and do not give your personal information on blogs and social networking sites. Other recent threats relate to wireless networking. Limit your wireless router range to the smallest convenient distance. Also try to maximize the security of wireless network by keeping a series of passwords.   

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