How many times browser on each computer has contacted server, Computer Engineering

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Write a CGI program that displays a count of how many times a browser on each computer has contacted the server.

echo Content -type: text /html



Echo "< HTML >"

Case "x$N" in

x) N = 1

Echo "This is the initial page.< BR >< BR >"

; ;

X[0-9]*) N = 'expr$n + 1'

Echo "you have displayed this page $N times.< BR >< BR >

; ;

*) echo "The URL you used is inval id < /HTML >"

exi t 0

; ;


echo "< A HREF=\ht tp: / /$SERVER_NAME$SCRIPT_NAME?$N\ >"

echo " Click here to refresh the page. < / A>"

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