Explain some handy points related to infant feeding, Biology

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Explain some Handy Points related to Infant Feeding?

Points to be kept in mind:

• Introduce only one food at a time, giving only small amounts at first
• Increase variety slowly
• Introduce all food groups
• Give an extra dash of fat in one or two items
• Do not use excessive fat, salt and sugar
• Prepare bland and non flavoured items
• Consistency should be gradually built from liquid to semi-solid and then to solid
• P ticle size of gruels should be built gradually from homogenized khichri, to well mash to a thick khichri
• To reduce consistency of bulky gruels, addition of amylase rich flour (Am) after cooling - the gruel has to be warn - decreases consistency and increases intake. Use of ARF and fat help to increase intake to meet energy and protein needs adequately

• Quantity should be gradually increased

• If the child dislikes or is disinterested, discontinue the food for some time and re-introduce later. Do not force-feed. No food is indispensable or best. Parents should avoid personal prejudices, likes and dislikes in front of children. Rather they should eat a variety of foods and encourage children to do the same.
• Identify intolerance and immediately discontinue. Cow's milk, egg white soyabean etc, are known to cause allergies. Cereals which cause least allergy are rice and the pulse which causes best tolerance is moong dal.

• Avoid fiber. Whole legumes and raw vegetables with their high fibre content are foods recommended for adults but not for infants.
• Some complementary foods need special preparation 'such as ARF or mashed potato or banana. It is also possible to feed from family pot, for example rotis mashed in dals before spicing etc. Consistency is important, so sieving, mashing etc. may be recommended separately. Degree of cooking may be more for infant feeding. Due care should be given in handling and sanitation while feeding infants.

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