Discuss george iii''s actions and attitude towards colonies, History

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1. Discuss George III's attitude and actions towards the colonies.
2. George III appointed General William Howe to lead the British army in the colonies. Why was Howe a good choice?
3. What was George Washington's military experience prior to taking command of the Continental Army?
4. Discuss 3 major problems Washington encountered with the newly formed "Continental Army" while in Boston.
5. In January 1776, General Washington put Henry Knox in charge of artillery in Boston. In Washington's opinion, Knox deserved this position because he had displayed leadership, determination, daring, and ingenuity. Explain what Knox did to earn Washington's respect and trust?
6. Nathanael Greene's "Rhode Islanders" were unique from the rest of the Continental Army. Why?
7. Why did General William Howe leave Boston?

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