Develop a flowchart using the decision structure, Database Management System

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1.  Develop a flowchart using the decision structure to solve the following problem.

A Box Lunch Bonanza is a small catering company that offers 2 different types of box lunches. One comes with a sandwich, cookies, and chips. The other comes with a sandwich, carrot sticks and a piece of fruit. The second box lunch is 1 ½ times as much as the first.

A program accepts the following data from a customer: name, address, phone number and how many of each type of box lunch they desire. They also indicate whether this is a government office (G), a corporate office (C), or a private party (P). Government offices receive a 10% discount on all orders. Private parties receive a 10% discount for orders totaling more than 50 box lunches. The output of the program prints the customer information, the order detail, and a total amount due upon delivery.

Rework Problem 1 above using a CaseOf instruction.


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