Writing of scripture requires grappling with concepts

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM131667905

Answer the 2 prompts in 2 separate paragraphs, using about two hundred words each.

1. Understanding the role of God and man in the writing of Scripture requires grappling with concepts and beliefs that are often difficult to explain. Using what you learned in the reading noted above, explain the key arguments related to,

  • Who wrote the Bible?,
  • How did God Inspire the Bible?
  • What it means when we say the Bible is inerrant?
  • Finally, How can we say the Bible is inerrant? ()

2. Many people today are not familiar with the process related to the completion of the biblical canon. Again, using our class texts, explain and clarify the process (chronologically), noting key dates, persons, and other pertinent data for the discussion.)

3. Given the information presented in chapters 8 and 9, how would you answer a friend who suggests that Christians do not know where the Bible came from and that we cannot claim to have the only "word of God" because there are so many different Bibles? ()

Reference no: EM131667905

Questions Cloud

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