Write response on the middle ages

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Reference no: EM132297234

Question: Reply to these to discuss reponses 5 sentences each

1. While others may believe differently, I feel as if it is appropriate to say that the Middle Ages was an era of both light and darkness. I would argue that this idea has been overstated, as many events took place during this period that proves the era contained a lot of positive development for mankind.

The Middle Ages contained much improvement and development, especially when considering cultural changes. In the Carolingian Renaissance, we can see how architecture, literature, and more developed massively. From this period we gained the script named Carolingian minuscule. This made way for a more common form of communication through out Europe.

From this period we also see much colonization. One specific example would be from Scandinavia and the way the people from there spread through Europe. Many groups moved during the MIddle Ages and although this movement may have caused some issues, overall it allowed spread of culture, art, and knowledge.

When discussing improvements within societies during the Middle Ages, a major factor that comes to mind would be the improvements made in technology. From this period we see the creation of windmills, mechanical clocks, eyewear, and glasswork advancements. Clear glass specifically came from this era, as before there was no such thing as transparent glass.

2. There are some facets of the Middle Ages that may be construed as an "era of darkness", but there are not many. The characterization is perhaps, at best, a statement regarding a 'lack' of profound societal advancement in Medieval Europe. However, this distinction does not hold when applied to other parts of the world, specifically the Middle East and Byzantine empires. In Europe, we can look to the theocratic and philosophical discourse from the 11th century. Thinkers of the time tried to use their understanding of classical philosophy to rationalize the secular and religious worlds around them. This would also produce Thomas Aquinas, one of the most influential moralistic and philosophical contributors of all time. We can also look to the technological developments of the Middle Ages of windmills, mechanical clocks, glass, and astronomical research (i.e. astrolabe). Finally, we can also see how Middle Age Europeans were able to develop on the ideas of the Roman arch to produce intricate sets of arches into the groin vault as well as the introduction of glass windows into churches.

Once again, we can see that, at best, the Middle Ages were a time of advancement of classical ideas and creations. To receive the distinction of being a dark age would discount the significant advances of merit produced in this time period. We can say that we perhaps did not see the marked improvement over previous generations that we did in the classical world.

Reference no: EM132297234

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