Write literature review on cloud computing and construction

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Reference no: EM131665770 , Length: word count:3000

Information and Technology Management Assignment - Literature Review

Assignment task

A literature review is a description of relevant published knowledge from a particular field or selected topic/s. Reviewing accumulated knowledge is an essential early step in the research process. Your purpose in writing the literature review is to convey to your reader not only what knowledge and ideas have been established on a topic but also what the strengths and weaknesses are for each particular piece of reviewed literature. The reason we set this assignment is to give you experience in collecting and critically analysing data and then presenting it via the literature review. This is a skill that that is in demand from employers who are not just seeking individuals with good technical skills but also with good analytical and communication skills.

Task: You are to author a literature review of no less than 3000 words. The literature review should cover any TWO of the following topics:

  • Automation and robotics in construction
  • Cloud computing and construction
  • Connecting with customers and suppliers in construction
  • Business decision making in construction
  • Mobile data in construction
  • Integrating a construction business using information systems

Reference no: EM131665770

Questions Cloud

Describe what produces the retrograde motion of mars : Describe what produces the retrograde motion of Mars. What geometric arrangements did Ptolemy use to explain this motion?
Describe the price elasticity of supply : Describe the price elasticity of supply and demand for Johnson & Johnson baby powder?
Offshore assembly provisions in its tariff code : Why would a country include offshore assembly provisions in its tariff code?
Increase in marginal utility : Think of a product or item (not food) that has a diminishing marginal utility. As a consumer what efforts do you undertake to lessen the law.
Write literature review on cloud computing and construction : BUSM4409 - Information and Technology Management Assignment - Literature Review.
Discuss the comprehensive school health program : Describe at least 2 areas of controversy related to the type of services provided by the comprehensive school health program
Why do we see different phases of the moon : Why do we see different phases of the Moon? Which of the following is the correct sequence of appearances of Moon phases in the sky?
Formulate shirra decision as an lp model : Using D to represent the batches of Della's Delight and B to represent the batches of Bonny's Bourbon made and sold each day.
Discuss the school nurse and public health nurse : identify your role in this intervention, such as the school nurse, public health nurse, or other community nursing role



10/2/2017 4:31:02 AM

Australian student, 3000 words, Strictly follow all the guidelines. PS: He is our regular student, so please take extra for it. Submission Requirements - File format: family name BUSM4409 A3.pdf (The report MUST be submitted as a pdf file) Referencing: Author date (Harvard). The assignment should contain at least 16-20 references (i.e. 8-10 per topic). These sources should be based around a mix of academic publications such as books, texts and peer-reviewed conference proceedings, journal papers, and industry journals NOT JUST internet references and must be correctly referenced in-text as a mix of direct quotations and paraphrases and also listed at the end of your document in a reference list.


10/2/2017 4:30:56 AM

Ensure that the font size and style you choose can be easily read. It is recommended that if you use Arial as your font, the minimum font size should be 10 point. If using Times New Roman the minimum font size should be 12 point. Type your work using 1½ line spacing. The course name and number, your name and student number should be stated clearly on the front cover and include page numbers in the footer.


10/2/2017 4:30:50 AM

All parts done very well. demonstrates exceptional comprehension of topic. Structure and sequence effectively used to help integrate ideas and support logical argument. Fully supported by reference to relevant up to date material. Accurate use of Harvard referencing technique. Powerful, confident and precise use of language; mastery of style and tone. Before submission, please ensure you have: Understood all the required elements for the assignment and completed them, Read the marking guide (rubric) at the end of the assignment brief. Followed instructions for naming the file. Completed a spell check o Created a single document to upload. Completed a reference list on the assignment, where you have cited other work in your assignment.

Write a Review

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